Monday, March 12, 2012

And the Kili Saga continues...

Two weekends ago I decided to do the Kilimanjaro day hike again because I enjoyed it so much the first time...and a little of me wanted to show off to the newbies. (;

I'm amazed at the difference 2 weeks can make. On the first hike we had perfect weather, sun shining and the hike is mostly shaded by trees so it's fairly're still totally drenched when you get to the first camp. It was relatively safe, aside from a few stubbed toes no one really had any injuries or falls. As we were hiking we saw several other groups coming down the mountain. The only ran we saw all day was at the end of our hike right before we got into the Dala Dala.

Hike 2 was a completely different experience. It was about 10 degrees cooler and there was mud everywhere. We slipped and slid all the way up and all the way down. Everyone was constantly watching their feet and we still had some twisted ankles. This didn't work out so well for me because I was carrying my backpack in front of me (everyone was calling it my baby!) Well, I was slightly concerned by the fact that my baby smelt like a burger (my lunch) and I couldn't see my feet. And...I'm not sure how my pregnant friends do it...not being able to see your feet is a scary thing! (<3 to a.m and e.w!)

This weekend was a little rough for everyone around the house...all of the newbies were busy sunning (and burning!)in Zanizibar and for those left at the house we had 5 goodbyes this weekend alone! Many teary goodbyes to Vivian, Sarah, Lisa, Marissa and in a house like this really makes you feel like family and it was sad to see our dadas (sisters) leave! It really hit us Sunday morning when it was just Amy and I eating breakfast because there were only 3 left in the house (with the newbies away) and Bibi was at church.

In addition to the sadness we had a little excitement this weekend. Four of us spent Saturday morning in town, walking around and for those who were leaving, doing some last minute shopping. As we were walking to Union Cafe to join  our friend Jess (before she left) we were suddenly stopped by a riot outside a store. All we could really see was a big man waving a huge pole around, several people grabbing each other and we heard a lot of screaming. The best we can figure is that the man with the pole was trying to rob one of the clothing stores. This was made much more scary by the fact we couldn't really understand what was going on because of the language barrier...I guess we're really not in Kansas anymore.

After the weekend of goodbyes and the excitement from Saturday we decided we needed a quiet afternoon Sunday before saying one last goodbye. We spent the day poolside at the gorgeous Impala Hotel. I had fried rice for lunch that rivals some of the Chinese I've had in America. 

We're looking forward to a nice quiet week at our placements and will be traveling to the hot springs on Friday before the next round of goodbyes.

Asante sana na nawapenda! (Thank you--for following my blog-- and I love you all!)

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