Thursday, May 10, 2018

Gratitude and Humility

There are a lot of little pieces that go into any trip like the one my church is planning at the end of June. Travel expenses, both getting to Africa and getting around the communities in Kenya, living expenses--food and lodging, vaccinations (thankfully many of mine are up to date) and the list goes on.

I've never been someone who is good at asking for help or even sometimes receiving it. It's gotten me in trouble more than once and God is constantly reminding me that we are a community for a reason, sometimes you are the helper and sometimes you are the helpee. I think a lot of times it is easy for us to extend grace to every other person in the world but not ourselves. We feel guilty, we feel burdened (I know I do!) when really if we can humble ourselves and ask others for help, that are often happy to do so and we save ourselves a lot of trouble and pain in the end.

So this is me, attempting to humble myself and ask for your help. I can't make a trip like this without your help. The first thing I ask for, are your prayers. Please be praying for our team, for unity and good communication in our group. For organization, that we would all stay on task and not give Dana any additional work to do tracking us down. For safe travel to Kenya and back as well as around the communities while we are there. Pray that God would prepare our hearts for this adventure and be preparing the hearts of everyone we will be meeting in Kenya. For awareness of spiritual and other gifts, God has blessed each of us in so many unique ways and it is a beautiful thing when we work together to follow His plan and bring glory to Him.

Secondly, and the part that makes me cringe, I ask for assistance financially. As a mentioned above, it takes a lot to make a trip like this happen. Would you please consider sharing in this adventure with me and sponsoring me to help me go? No amount is too little, every penny, every dollar helps get me closer to Kenyan soil.

Lastly, I would be remiss if I did not mention how grateful for each of you who has already partnered with me, whether in prayer, or financially. Every time someone reached out to pray, offer support or just asked about the upcoming trip, I did a happy dance. Thank you for loving me, thank you for caring about something that is so close to my heart, thank you for hugging me, praying for me and getting excited with me. I don't have the words and thank you does not seem like enough, seventy times seven thank yous to each one of you. All of you have been and continue to be such a blessing to me.

If you are willing and able to donate, please visit the link below:

Mungu akubarki na ahsante sana
(God bless you and many thanks)