Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The only difference...

I always see posts that say: "The only difference between tattooed and non-tattooed people is that the tattooed don't care if you're tattooed or not." This is true. As someone with tattoos, I can say that I honestly do not care if you have 0 tattoos, 1, or resemble Kat Von D or the lizard man.

Lately, I've been thinking that the only difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals is that the homosexuals don't care if you're homosexual or not.

And yet, these people who are being much more accepting of those unlike them are the ones who get things thrown at them or told that God hates them. These are the soldiers who make sacrifices yet have "church" groups flood their funeral with "God hates you" posters. These people, that society and unfortunately, mostly polluted "Christian" society has labeled as wrong or sinners. They are the tattooed, gay, pierced, transgender, wrong political party, etc. and everything else that has been deemed wrong or unholy.

Recently, one of my brothers, Corey, posted about how he saw two men sporting "God hates you" t-shirts in the gay district of New York City where Corey has been volunteering with a laundry love project. He talked about how this is so heart breaking because it's not what true Christianity is about. He's right, Jesus called his disciples to love as he loved. To sit with the prostitutes, tax-collectors,etc and everyone who was cast aside.

Corey mentioned that he didn't go over and speak with them because he was afraid he would act in anger and since they were obviously demonstrating enough unjust anger and hate.

I have no idea how I would have reacted in this situation but I started thinking about it more and more. I can only hope that I would have stood next to them and held a God is love sign. That I would have have had the courage, faithfulness but yet also peacefulness that would allow me to just stand there. To be quiet instead of being loud. I wouldn't have to say anything because I'd be saying enough just standing there.

As most of you know I am fairly hot-headed myself so the likelihood of me being peaceable enough to manage this is unlikely. However, as I travel, not only out of the country, but also in my walk of faith I have found that God is changing me. He is forming me as only he can. I came back from Tanzania, a much more mellow person with a much better picture of God's call for her life. So maybe, just maybe, someday, I will be able to be more quiet. To be silent when I all I want to do is speak, rightly or wrongly justified. To have no words when words would just be useless, when a simple act of love would speak volumes more.

God gave the greatest act of love and sacrifice for me, maybe, just maybe, I can share a minute fraction of it with the world.

Nawapenda sana (I love you all very much.) As frustrated as I have been and as much as I have been missing Tanzania, God reminded me that he is still growing me and still has a purpose for me here. Ahsante Baba, Mungu ibariki.